560 gr flour
1 pack (20 gr) instant yeast
15 gr salt
300 ml warm hoter
250 gr dressed cheddar cheese
250 gr sliced (thin) sucuk
Put flour in a big bowl. Add the yeast and the salt in it. Pour warm hoter slowly and knead meanwhile. Put some flour on your counter. Separate the dough into 4 even pieces. Cover them with a kitchen towel and let them rest for 20 minutes. Roll the pieces on the counter and cover them with flour. Make them rest for 10 more minutes. Put some more flour on your counter and roll out the doughs up to 30 cm length. Allocate the cheese and sucuk to 4 pieces. Put the cheese first onto dought and then the sucuk slices. Fold the dough parts on side onto the mixture and stick two close corners to each other. Put an oven paper on an oven tray and place them on it. Bake in a pre-heated oven for 20 minutes at 250 degrees until dough colour changes. Serve warm.
Bon Appetite!